5 Tips For Streamlining Online Answer Sheet Checking

Manavi Agarwal

Last Updated: October 13, 2023
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Online Grading

Are you tired of drowning in a sea of digital answer sheets, desperately searching for a lifeline to simplify your grading process? Well, you’re not alone? In this digital age, when the click of a button can carry your answers to a remote examiner’s screen, it’s vital to ensure that your hard work doesn’t get lost in translation. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there, anxiously awaiting those graded papers, fingers crossed and hearts pounding. But what if I told you there’s a way to make this process not just efficient but even a bit… enjoyable? Yes, you heard that right. Whether you’re a teacher, professor, or anyone responsible for evaluating piles of digital responses, these five tips will have you cruising through the online grading ocean with ease. So let’s get started.

Tips To Help You

Online Grading

Embrace Digital Tools

Gone are the days of printed answer sheets and manual calculations. In our digital era, there’s an array of tools and software designed specifically to streamline the online answer sheet checking process. These tools not only save time but also reduce the chances of human error. You can explore various platforms. They offer features such as automatic scoring, rubric-based grading, and seamless integration with your Learning Management System (LMS). These tools can help you expedite the grading process while maintaining consistency and accuracy.

  • Gradescope: A widely-used platform that offers advanced features for grading and assessment. It is a robust online grading and assessment platform that is widely used in educational institutions, particularly in higher education. It offers several advanced features for streamlining the grading process. Educators can create assignments, quizzes, and exams within the platform, which students can submit digitally.
  • Turnitin: Turnitin is primarily known for its plagiarism-checking capabilities, but it also provides tools for grading and assessment. Educators can create and manage assignments within the Turnitin platform. Students submit their work digitally, and Turnitin checks it for plagiarism, providing a similarity report.
  • Google Classroom: A popular choice for educators that integrates seamlessly with Google’s suite of productivity tools. Within Google Classroom, educators can create assignments and distribute them to students. Students can submit their work digitally, typically using Google Docs or other Google Workspace apps. Educators can then access student submissions, review them, and provide feedback.

Develop Clear Grading Rubrics

Grading rubrics are your guiding light in the online answer sheet checking journey. They provide a clear framework for assessing students’ work and ensure that your evaluation is objective and consistent. Components of Grading Rubrics:

  • Criteria: Clearly outline the specific criteria for evaluation, such as content, organisation, and clarity.
  • Point Values: Assign point values to each criterion to establish a transparent grading structure.
  • Descriptors: Provide detailed descriptors for different levels of achievement within each criterion, from excellent to poor.

Transparency is key. Share the grading rubrics with students at the beginning of the assignment to set clear expectations. Encourage students to use the rubric as a self-assessment tool before submitting their work.

Leverage Peer Review

Online peer review can be a game-changer in your quest to streamline answer sheet checking. It not only lightens your workload but also fosters a sense of collaboration and constructive feedback among students. Encourage students to evaluate and provide feedback on their peers’ work. This not only reduces your grading burden but also promotes critical thinking and peer learning. Establish clear guidelines and criteria for peer review to ensure that the feedback is constructive and aligned with your grading rubrics. A few popular platforms that facilitate peer review in educational settings are Turnitin, PeerGrade and even google docs. 


  • Peer review lightens the grading burden on educators, particularly for assignments with numerous submissions.
  • Students often approach their peers’ work from a different perspective, promoting critical thinking and peer learning.
  • It exposes students to a variety of viewpoints, enriching their learning experience.

Use Automated Scoring Where Appropriate

Certain types of assessments, such as multiple-choice quizzes and objective tests, can be easily automated. Leveraging automated scoring for these assignments can save you a considerable amount of time.

Most Learning Management Systems offer built-in features for auto-grading multiple-choice questions and quizzes. Take advantage of these features to instantly generate scores for such assessments. However, remember to review the results to catch any anomalies or errors. Benefits:

  • Time-Efficiency: Automated scoring speeds up the grading process for assessments with clear-cut answers.
  • Consistency: It ensures uniformity in grading for objective assessments.
  • Instant Feedback: Students receive their scores promptly, providing them with immediate insight into their performance.

Provide Timely And Constructive Feedback

Effective feedback is the cornerstone of the learning process. Ensure that your feedback is not only timely but also constructive and actionable. This encourages students to learn from their mistakes and improve. Elements of Effective Feedback:

  • Timeliness: Providing feedback promptly ensures that students can reflect on their work while it’s still fresh in their minds.
  • Specificity: Avoid vague comments like “good job” or “needs improvement.” Instead, pinpoint specific strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Actionable Suggestions: Offer practical, actionable suggestions for how students can enhance their performance.

Avoid generic comments like “good job” or “needs improvement.” Instead, pinpoint specific strengths and areas for improvement in the students’ work. Offer actionable suggestions and guidance on how they can enhance their performance. Additionally, consider recording audio or video feedback for a more personalised touch.

Bonus Tip: Foster A Growth Mindset

While not directly related to the technical aspects of online answer sheet checking, nurturing a growth mindset among your students can significantly impact their learning and your grading experience.

Encourage students to view assessments as opportunities for growth rather than mere evaluations. Emphasise that mistakes are stepping stones to success. By fostering a growth mindset, you create an environment where students are more receptive to feedback and eager to learn from their errors.

Mentoria’s Insights for Online Grading

Online Grading

Streamlining the process of online answer sheet checking is not just a time-saver; it’s a game-changer in education. The above five tips can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy. However, for more personalised guidance on implementing these strategies or to explore additional tools and resources, consider turning to Mentoria. With Mentoria’s expertise in education technology and innovative solutions, you can take your online assessment processes to the next level. Embrace the future of education with Mentoria’s support and watch your institution thrive in the digital age. With Mentoria, you can stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of education.