Charisma Unleashed: 10 Dynamic Ways To Shine At Work

Komal Sharma

Last Updated: January 2, 2024
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Wouldn’t you like to have the ability to capture attention in conversations, the way magnets attract metals? Or getting people to value and respect your opinions and your dreams? Or that everyone enjoys spending time with you? Surely, your reality is different and, in general, you find it difficult for people to listen to you or maintain interest in what you say. And you tend to feel that your presence goes unnoticed in many situations.

Today’s society rewards those who are not afraid to speak in front of others, even if they say unimportant things. The ability to express an idea is valued more than the idea itself. Charisma is essential for good communication and, although many people are innately charismatic, it is a skill that can be learned and improved at any time in life.

Learn to be charismatic with these ten ways in the blog that you can start practising now, to achieve that magnetism that attracts people.

Spark Joy: Smile Freely

A black and white illustration of a smiling face with both thumbs raised in approval.

Among the capabilities necessary to perform well in your job, charisma is one of the most important, and at the same time it is challenging and few leaders possess this magnetism. Most managers and directors I have met tend to have two essential characteristics: lazy and unfriendly.

That is why I want to share information with you on how to be charismatic at work. This does not matter if you are a leader or not, since the results of having charisma at work translate into job promotions, salary increases, and other great opportunities for your personal and professional development. Of course, it is the first thing if you want to stand out as someone charismatic. The smile has an incredible magnetism and the way you influence the person just with this small gesture is incomparable.

Antoine Saint Exupery, the pilot and author of the famous book The Little Prince, narrated in one of his letters how he managed to befriend his jailer through the habit of smiling at her every day. There is a famous saying: Fake it until you make it. It is the only time when it is valid to fake something, such as a smile. It is a moral responsibility because no one is to blame for all your problems and even if you feel the world is on your shoulders, you always have the responsibility of not infecting others with them. So even if it is difficult for you to do so, smile at all times!

Easy Greetings: Spread Warmth, Skip The Formality

People with charisma do not make much preamble or protocols, they are spontaneous, and genuine, and they apply this even when they greet people. Unlike sycophants, charismatic people shake hands and greet everyone in the office – and not just their close colleagues.

Charismatic people value others and make them feel good. They give compliments like, “You spoke very well in your presentation today,” instead of “Good presentation.

  • Compliments about appearance can make people feel good about themselves and like you more. However, these will not be suitable for all situations, especially in your workplace.
  • If you compliment people’s work, achievements, and talents; This can encourage and motivate others

Always Ready: Your Availability, Your Way

I need to clarify that you are not going to put your daily agenda into play and be available to everyone, but when possible, as much as possible, dedicate time to others and do not refuse if they ask you for five minutes or if they interrupt you. , or if they ask for your participation in some spontaneous activity.

A woman with dreadlocks sitting at a desk, focused on her laptop, working diligently.

People are more attracted to you when you make them feel important when you answer YES to their requests, and when you make them feel that way, you position yourself as someone highly charismatic.

Listen to others when they talk about themselves. Focus on what the other person says, not how you are going to respond. Nod your head when he talks and offer affirmative phrases like “Uh-huh,” “That’s interesting,” or “Wow”; This way you will show her that you listen to her.  Ask questions to keep the conversation going. Listen to the answers with interest.

Give sincere compliments to others. If you tell people what you like or value about them, it will make them feel good. The compliment should be specific, so it will be relevant. You can say something like, “You spoke very well in your presentation today,” instead of “Good presentation.” 

  • Compliments about appearance can make people feel good about themselves and like you more. However, these will not be suitable for all situations, especially in your workplace.
  • If you compliment people’s work, achievements, and talents; This can encourage and motivate others.

Humor Wellness: Giggles For A Healthy Spirit

Charismatic people have a basic sense of humour – that is, they laugh either at themselves or at jokes with white humour. You won’t believe the thinking mechanics that are generated when you laugh at yourself, people respect you because in addition to being charismatic, you show yourself as a confident leader who knows his flaws, but who does not get frustrated or take them with drama. Also, you can use your sense of humour to break the ice with your colleagues. At a more informal lunch or meeting, you can share a funny personal story – even if it’s not funny, people will appreciate your effort. 

You can tell funny jokes, relate a funny story, or joke about yourself. This will make people feel comfortable around you and enjoy it. Don’t overdo it when using humour. Instead, use it sparingly in a conversation or speech. You could start a presentation with a joke or tell a funny story at a party.

Use Stories And Metaphors To Increase Your Charisma

The great secret to being a charismatic person is generating a positive feeling in the other person. To do this, you can use stories and metaphors to generate empathy and trust; in addition, this dynamic makes listeners feel greater sympathy for you. If you can generate an emotional connection while transmitting a message, the audience will better understand what you want to say. 

They may even be able to identify with you or the purpose of your presentation. Without a doubt, this is key to learning how to be charismatic successfully. Charismatic leaders know how to tell stories and keep their audience in suspense. They know how to entertain, they know how to capture attention, they know how to make people laugh, make them cry, or make them angry. This is an important and effective step to being charismatic.

The Eye Contact Boost: Connect, Blink, Recharge

A man and woman sitting at a table, focused on a laptop, engaged in a discussion or work.

Eye contact is basic. When people don’t see each other’s eyes, they seem distracted, distrustful, and even seem shy. Many times it requires practice, but seeing people in the eyes is a sign not only of respect, but also of good positive energy, security and charisma.

Every time you talk to people, look them directly in the eyes, there is a special bond when you share a gaze with someone and, since most people find it difficult to do so – you will stand out as someone confident, kind, and charismatic.

Imagine talking to someone who stares at their shoes versus someone who looks you in the eyes. The difference is huge. Charismatic people aren’t afraid of eye contact; they embrace it. It’s like a silent language that says, “I see you, and I’m here.” It builds a connection that words alone can’t quite capture. So, the next time you chat with someone, lock eyes – it’s a simple yet powerful way to communicate warmth, honesty, and assurance. Charismatic people are not afraid to look people in the eye, they like to read others and also be read, and show honesty and transparency, at the same time as a high level of security.

Email Etiquette: Responding – Because It’s A Must

The level of arrogance with which many leaders act by not answering emails just because they pretend to be Very Important is impressive. To position yourself as someone charismatic and stimulate communication, always respond to emails, even when they are not urgent. 

Something that current leaders like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg do is they connect with their audiences, with their colleagues, with their employees, they respond to emails, even if it’s just to say “Thank you very much.” They take the time to connect through this small but influential habit of replying to emails.Sure thing,  When leaders reply to emails, even with a quick “thank you,” it shows they care about what others have to say. This small habit makes them seem friendly and easy to talk to. It’s like they’re saying, “I value your thoughts.” This way of leading makes the whole team feel more connected and makes work a nicer place. So, responding to emails isn’t just about being polite; it makes everyone feel part of a team. Leaders with charisma tend to be accessible, stripped of themselves, and willing to take a few minutes to respond to emails.

Others First: The Art Of Genuine Focus

Be careful when using this habit to be more charismatic, as no one likes fake praise. If you notice that one of your colleagues stands out for a particular quality or, for example, has contributed efficiently to the development of a project, let him or her know that his or her performance is essential for the group. 

Praising people is a very useful mechanism for building trust in a team. For this dynamic to work well and you can develop your charisma, you must be honest and put aside exaggerations, so the person receiving the compliment will not feel uncomfortable. 

A woman conversing with an elderly woman, sharing a heartfelt conversation filled with wisdom and warmth.

On the other hand, if you are the leader of an area, recognising the skills and performance of human talent is essential to ensure that they maintain the same performance in the long term. In addition to the fact that you will seem like a very charismatic leader, this will also contribute to the employee experience of your organisation. Whenever you can, let your colleagues know what a good job they are doing. Even in one-on-one meetings, you can make comments such as, “If it hadn’t been for your support, this wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you.”

The person with charisma tends to make others shine by highlighting their qualities, making them the centre of attention, and focusing on them, and not on themselves.

Don’t Speak Ill Of Anyone

To be charismatic, you need to respect others and know that we can all fail at some point. Therefore, never spend your time making a negative comment about another colleague. Be very tactful and diplomatic when speaking and even if you are angry with someone, do not show negative emotions.

When Bob Hoover, an American pilot during World War II, was testing one of his airplanes, he had a terrible accident that resulted in his hospitalisation. Realising that it was due to a mechanical failure, or negligence on the part of one of his employees, instead of shouting four times when he saw this individual, Hoover decided to put a hand on his shoulder, and without criticising him, simply told him that he was confident that it would never happen again, and he immediately delegated to him the same responsibility of checking one of his planes.

Do you notice what happened? A charismatic leader does not exploit anyone, no matter how big his mistakes, but rather he lets them know that he is aware of the big mistake, and asks that it not happen again, at the same time he delegates responsibility again.

And this works because no one wants to feel useless.

Examples Of Charismatic Leadership

Below are some examples of charismatic leadership from the past and present. Some have played an important role in bringing about massive revolutions that shaped world history. Their charismatic leadership traits are taught in schools even today.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a social activist who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States in the 1950s against the oppression of African-American citizens. He is an excellent example of charismatic leadership because of his commitment to nonviolence.

Indra Nooyi, Consistently ranked among the most powerful women in the world, Nooyi is the CEO of PepsiCo. She is praised as a respectful person who displays the ideal qualities of a charismatic leader. Additionally, she is an inspiration to all women trying to find a balance between work and family.

Pope John Paul II, his birth name was Karol Józef Wojtyla, studied theology in a covert seminary during the Nazi occupation. He was ordained as a priest in 1946 and appointed bishop of Ombi in 1958. His works in the Catholic Church won him great respect, and in 1967 he was named a cardinal. In 1978, he was elected pope. He made a significant contribution to the assessment of the church’s place in the contemporary world and visited more than 100 nations to give speeches and defend human rights.

As you can see, the ability to clearly communicate one’s vision, awareness of the needs of one’s followers and the environment, and willingness to take personal responsibility are all essential traits of a charismatic leader.

While history presents us with well-known charismatic leaders, keep in mind that these individuals improved their charm over time in order to promote their causes, and that you too can develop your charm to accomplish admirable objectives in both your personal and professional life.

Embrace Growth: The Power Of Accepting And Learning From Mistakes

People ascending stairs in a building of office

Another quality of someone charismatic is that they have no problem accepting that they were wrong. You don’t have to say it all the time, but make it come naturally.

For example, When you’re in a work meeting and want to share a new idea, try saying things like “I might be wrong, but I think…” or “Tell me your thoughts, but I believe…”. After stating something, you can ask, “Is this correct or am I wrong?”  your colleagues will appreciate these things.

  • Sharing your ideas or convictions 
  • Declaring that you have no absolute power of truth.

Charm is a very personal quality. a talent that can be cultivated, similar to someone with artistic or poetic talent. It calls for commitment, tenacity, and tact. However, it must originate from within and spread to other people.

To be charismatic, one does not have to be an extrovert. You may develop your charisma at any point in your life, and the advantages it brings to both your personal and professional life are priceless. 

Start Your Charismatic Journey With Mentoria

Paying attention to the little things, including the dynamics of human interactions, is what makes someone charismatic. Communicating dynamically, passionately, and enthusiastically while exhibiting positive body language is all part of being captivating. It also entails thinking positively, exuding confidence and optimism, persuading people, and earning their respect and trust.

Through knowledge and practice, we can all improve our interpersonal skills and become more charismatic. It’s also critical to keep in mind that, despite your charm, you are not able to win over everyone all the time.

Charisma is directly linked to success – charismatic people succeed more than apathetic people.Charisma can be developed little by little, it’s all about practising day by day, recording results, proving what is best at each moment, studying the context of your office, and finding the right moments to display charisma.

Start your charismatic job journey with Mentoria your friendly support system. Connect with our career mentors, have a chat, and pick the guidance plan that suits you. Mentoria’s career guidance program lets you choose from 3 streams, 850+ courses, and over 12,000 careers. Discover what brings out your best and kick off your path to success