Congratulations, You’re a Graduate! What Now?


Last Updated: September 7, 2022
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We have all had that moment of existential crisis after graduating. What do you do – do you continue studying? Do you start working? Do you ditch the world and join the monks?

If you’re stuck deciding between the first two – hello, welcome aboard! It’s normal to second guess your options at such a crucial point in your life. The only way around it is to understand exactly what you’re getting into. Here we have elaborated both paths for you to help you make an informed decision.

Door Number One: Further Studies

Are You Ready?

Taking up further studies includes spending some more years gathering knowledge, preparing for tests and living off pocket money. However, once you’re done, you would have better job prospects. If this is what you are looking for, then it’s time to choose a specialisation.

What’s Your Specialisation

Graduation gives you a fair idea about subjects that interest you. If you are not sure, we could help you. Depending on your personality and interests, there are a lot of post-graduate options to choose from. Be it a career in marketing, a degree in law, or even history. At this point, you could even switch to another stream, like entertainment. Many Indian students are even seeking specialities abroad in countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark that were not traditionally considered for education. However, before you settle for a course, consider the following questions carefully:

  • Are you passionate about it?
  • Can you see yourself pursuing the subject for the rest of your life?
  • If not, what interests are drawing you?

Remember, however quirky they may seem, there is a career option for every kind of interest.

So, don’t write off your interests just yet.

Answer the above questions honestly to know how committed you are to your stream. If it doesn’t fit well with your personality or interest, this is the time to re-look at options. If you have been eyeing an MBA, read up to know about the field’s reality. Check for entrance tests and consider the time you will need to prepare for them.

What About Finances

Once you have chosen your specialisation, work out the finances. How much will further studies cost you? Have you saved for it? Or, has your family accounted for the cost? If you are financially lacking, find out about student loans. You can also look for scholarships in your chosen specialisation.

Studying after graduation requires dedication, commitment and clarity. You are going to invest more time and money into studying a subject, and it pays to be thorough and thoughtful at this stage.

Door Number Two: Working


Taking up a job after graduation is wise if you are not sure what you would like to study further. You have to realise though that with this decision, your carefree student-life will officially end and you will have to start adulting. Apply for jobs in your chosen field. On the job, you might learn about the skills you have and those you lack. If diving into work-life has caught your fancy, here are some pointers that will help.

A Responsible Life
man cooking

Working and earning money comes with responsibility. You are expected to have a certain level of commitment and professionalism. Being a team player is also a crucial quality that is cherished. So, be prepared to imbibe these qualities in real life. This will make your transition from a student to a working professional much easier.

The Right Place to Look for a Job

man tying his shoe lace

Stepping out of college might make you feel like a fish out of water. Where do you begin? The trick here lies in looking in the right places for the kind of jobs you want. So, here are some starting points:

  • Upload your resume on job portals
  • Sign up on LinkedIn and follow your dream brands to check for openings
  • Talk to your professors and seniors. Network to know the pulse of the jobs and vacancies.
Are Internships Worth it
Technical writing & editing on laptop

There are chances that big brands might want to test your skills before offering you a full-time job. To decide on it, they offer internships where you get a chance to flaunt your abilities. Before taking up an internship, keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Be clear of the value the internship is adding to your work life.
  • Check if you are passionate about the brand’s values and ideologies.
  • Enquire about the stipend, if any, and the tenure of the internship.
  • Ask questions wherever you have a doubt.

Understand, that even if you are entering with no experience, you are still willing to bring in some value with your skills to the organisation. Know your worth and do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. Be curious during the internship as it makes for a great on-the-job learning experience.

How to Prepare for an Interview

Hand Shake

To get a job, or even an internship, you are likely to go through an interview where your skills will be put to the test. Be thorough about your subjects, prepare for some of the common interview questions like:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why do you want this job?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What’s your dream job?

To know if the job profile fits your career path, strive to ask these questions. They will help you gain clarity about the job.

Get Your Workspace Expectations Right

Finally, if you are going to start working, it helps to get an idea about what it means to be a working adult. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A plate full of responsibilities
  • Unreasonable deadlines and work pressure (not always, but mostly)
  • Your own money in your own salary account. Whoa!
  • Monday mornings
  • No more vacations
  • Bosses of all kinds – happy, grumpy, mean, generous, snobbish – that you will have to creatively deal with
  • Compassion and empathy to work as a team

Working life could be fun if it is aligned with your interest. Unfortunately, 46% of working Indians are stressed. Stress can stem from working towards a goal that does not intrinsically make you happy or if you are just trying to meet expectations set by society. So, be honest with your dreams. Be clear about what would make you happy.

It is possible that after working for a while you might want to update your skill-set by enrolling for a Masters. Whatever you choose, make sure you stay true to your interests and passion. A good career goes hand-in-hand with hard work. And, it makes sense to work hard for what makes you happy, right?