Top 10 Skills Every Successful Entrepreneur Should Have


Last Updated: August 31, 2022
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We live in a day and age where opportunities are plentiful, and starting your own business is much easier than it was back in the day. You no longer have to opt for the traditional way of learning the tricks of the trade under someone else before you venture out on your own. Today, all it takes is an idea to get started. With information available at your fingertips and automation to take up processes that earlier required a team of people, starting your own business is simpler than ever.

However, in order to keep that business going and make it prosper, there are a few soft skills you’ll have to acquire along the way. Each soft skill is an art that you will need to master in order to make your business thrive. These ‘arts’ will help you become the leader who transforms an idea into a successful business while keeping the team happy and motivated!

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Soft Skill #1: Creative Thinking Skills


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As an entrepreneur, you need to have an innate thirst for learning new things. Which new marketing techniques will help your business grow? Which popular corporate policies will your organisation benefit from? How will you tap into new markets? How will you make the most out of existing ones? A constant curious tick will help you stay on top of your game, adapt and improvise strategies early on, and stay ahead in a largely competitive world. The day you decide to stop learning and thinking is the day your business stops growing.

Soft Skill #2: Leadership Skills

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Let’s face it; you’re going to need a strong team in place if you expect your business to grow. Simply hiring the right person for the right job isn’t enough; you need to keep them engaged, motivated, push their limits and help them attain new heights. It is important that you empower them instead of just handing out orders, and work with them as a team instead of simply delegating tasks to them. Inspiring each team member to look at the business as their own will help you build a successful organisation that much faster!

Soft Skill #3: Networking Skills


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Your business idea may be the best one yet, but it won’t take off if people don’t know about it. This is where your socialising, networking or “people skills” will come to play. Grab every opportunity you get to promote your business. Attend workshops and conferences, mingle with as many people as you can and share your vision with them. A business will need investors, consumers and partners; and networking is the one ring that rules them all! Pair it up with confidence and charm, and you will have investors hooked onto your every word in no time.

Need help figuring out the right route for your ideal career? Speak to Mentoria’s expert career counsellors for personalized step-by-step guidance for your future career path. 

Soft Skill #4: Team Management Skills

Passion led us here quote written on the ground

At the end of the day, yours will be a business by the people, for the people. It is important for you to understand both sides of the story, relate to the concerns of your team as well as your clients, and come up with solutions or processes that benefit everyone involved. A start-up stage is always a high-pressure, high-risk situation and everyone on your dream team is doing the best they can; it is up to you to make sure they’re not burning out and are motivated enough to get the job done.

Soft Skill #5: Resilience Skill

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As easy as it is to start a business today, it is equally difficult to keep it going. Competition is tough, markets are challenging and thousands of companies shut shop on a regular basis. A startup faces even more challenges than an already established organisation, and your first few years are going to be the most challenging ones you’ll ever have faced. It is important to find your calm in this storm and remain resilient despite the odds thrown your way. If you can make it through the first few years with a calm mind and a positive, never-give-up attitude, you’ve got what it takes to survive and thrive!

Soft Skill #6: Communication Skills

People drinking black coffee

You are the captain of the ship, the commander of the army and the master of the circus. Your vision leads the team and motivates them to achieve something bigger and better than they did the previous day. It is important for you to clearly, objectively share what you expect from each team member, both internally and externally. Crisp, clear communication with strong direction will help you and your team efficiently work towards a common goal.

Soft Skill #7: Financial Skills

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Entrepreneurs must be able to manage resources, evaluate investments, and calculate ROI. Apart from that, they must be familiar with accounting and budgeting software in order to keep track of all financial transactions. Entrepreneurs may avoid overpaying and allocate resources more efficiently by developing financial skills. A business owner that is financially literate is more likely to have complete control over their company. Understanding what balance sheets and profit and loss statements mean gives you a clear picture of your company’s financial health and allows you to make better business decisions.

Soft Skill #8: Problem-Solving Skills

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Problem solving is the process of bridging the gap by resolving societal, business, or technology issues through innovation and innovative solutions. Entrepreneurs are frequently confronted with difficult and unexpected situations. An entrepreneur must have great problem-solving skills to handle stressful situations and calmly find different solutions, whether it is a venture capitalist declining further investment or a team member refusing to work according to project parameters. They achieve their company goals thanks to exceptional problem-solving abilities. As a result, every successful entrepreneur should be a dedicated problem solver.

Soft Skill #9: Customer Service Skills

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Customer service that is of high quality helps to promote the brand and increase loyalty. Excellent customer service abilities are necessary for business success in every field. Customer service skills help entrepreneurs engage with their potential consumers in a variety of ways, from talking to clients to discussing funding options. Unhappy and dissatisfied consumers may arise from poor customer service. It could have a negative impact on a business ’s success. But how ow can you assist a client with their demands without first learning about your own company? You must be familiar with your product in order to effectively assist your clients.
Additionally, put the client first and listen carefully so you don’t overlook important information you’ll need later. Make your consumers feel at ease when they seek for assistance. Satisfaction of your customers can only be achieved by going above and beyond.

Soft Skill #10: Risk-Taking Skills

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One of the most important entrepreneur skills to master is the ability to take controlled and intelligent risks. Professionals that have an entrepreneurial attitude are never afraid to take risks because they know that measured risks lead to significant achievement. They understand that risk is an opportunity to learn and take a company to new heights. A successful business needs an entrepreneur who is willing to take calculated risks in the pursuit of future profit.

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Armed with these and a bunch of fresh ideas, you’ve got what it takes to make it big! Now all you need to do is take the Mentoria assessment and find out if the entrepreneur way of life is the right one for you.