Here Are the Routines the Top 1% Follow to Stay Ahead

Malaika M Khan

Last Updated: August 30, 2024
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Ever wondered how Elon Musk became a brand or how Zuckerberg inspired an entire generation? What makes them different? There are many influential personalities out there but why do these names ring a bell so loud that it almost silences any other name in the crowd? Of course, it can’t be just about a special talent or piece of luck. Here’s what it is: the small yet powerful actions in their everyday habits that have made them so powerful.

Now, imagine if you could get a peak into the life-changing habits of such powerful leaders, wouldn’t that turn your career dreams into reality? Let’s learn from the best and see what these habits could do for your professional life. Ready to uncover the secrets of the GOATs? Let’s strive through the habits that can supercharge your career and keep your fire lit.

Lifelong Learning

Leonardo da Vinci said, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” We believe you, Sir Vinci.

The best professionals in staying at the top of their game need to keep changing with the world that’s changing so fast. Let’s take the case of Elon Musk. It would come across as a surprise to you but the truth is that when he started SpaceX, rocket science wasn’t something he knew; he learned it. The best in their fields are always hungry for knowledge because they want to know what others might not through courses, books, podcasts and YouTube.

Skill to Learn: Self-Learning & Lifelong Education

Start by studying something you’ve always been interested in. Take a Coursera class or start listening to some cool podcasts, or perhaps read a book that is out of your comfort zone, give yourself a challenge every once in a while.

Pro tip: Start with just 30 minutes a day of learning – it will add up faster than you imagine!

Purpose-Driven Networking  

Success comes from not so much what you know but who you know—and how you bring those people together”, says Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Meta. She forged deep, genuine, meaningful connections that aided her climb to the top. In an interview, she says that she follows a transformational leadership style, which means she established connections with individuals on a personal level and that is what motivates her to keep going.

Skill to Learn: Effective Networking & Relationship Building

Attend industry-related events, and webinars, or get along with professionals who are of like mind. Start networking and building relationships that inspire growth, not just business transactions. Join communities on LinkedIn or WhatsApp and interact with individuals whose story motivates you to be better at your work and get ahead in life.

Embracing Constructive Criticism and Seeking Feedback

Do you know that one friend who is always asking you to be critical of their work and seeking feedback on every little thing? That is the kind of attitude successful people have toward growth; they never avoid seeking feedback but welcome it. Take the example of Infosys co-founder, Narayana Murthy. While building Infosys, he established a culture of free-flowing feedback and collaboration. His leadership style encouraged employees to voice their opinions and ideas freely, believing that constructive criticism is key to continuous improvement and innovation.

Skill to Learn: Feedback Management & Resilience

Not all of us are great at constructive criticism, but we need to start somewhere because to be honest, it is a magic potion. Begin with hugging feedback, no matter how painful. Tell yourself that it is a part of your learning process. Ace the craft of emotional intelligence by utilising a web tool for feedback management.

Pro Tip: The next time a friend points out a mistake, count to 10 in your head and then respond. Remember, reacting impulsively or defensively might close off an opportunity for growth. Embracing feedback with an open mind shows your willingness to learn and improve.

Prioritise What Really Matters

We all have the same 24 hours. But while most are shuffling from one piece of busywork to another, the top 1% are laser-focused on what really counts. Think of Warren Buffett, who lives by the 80/20 rule, where 80% of results come from 20% of activities, it’s the Pareto principle.

An example of the Pareto effect would be that 20% of a plant contains 80% of the fruit and 80% of a company’s profits come from 20% of customers.

Skill to Learn: Time Management & Prioritisation

Focus on really moving-the-needle tasks. Delegate and cut the distractions, and make every hour count. Try using some productivity tools to streamline your day. AI tools can assist you with time management and productivity.

Growth Through Mentorship

Nobody can do it alone. Even Mark Zuckerberg needed a mentor in Steve Jobs. The best of the lot always have people around who push them to the greatest height. Start by exploring mentorship programmes under Mentoria and let us guide you towards being in the top 1% of your field.

Final Thoughts: Your Next Move?

There is no magic formula to rise to the top. But by adopting these habits and continuously improving yourself, you can certainly fast-track your career growth. There is no need to stress – Mentoriais here to help you take those initial steps. We have the resources to guide you towards learning new skills, networking effectively, and connecting with mentors at every step of the way.

So, ready to become extraordinary and join the top 1%?