How To Launch Your Career As An Energy Analyst

Komal Sharma

Last Updated: April 10, 2024
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We’ve all heard this before – the world requires more energy, not less. So, how do we satisfy this demand while also safeguarding the planet?

From a career perspective, energy analysts have a major role to play. These professionals conduct in-depth research and analysis to develop strategies that balance economic, environmental, and social needs. An energy analyst career lets you make a real difference on issues that will shape our future. 

But breaking in isn’t always easy. This article will help you launch your career as an energy analyst. You’ll learn the steps to position yourself for success in this in-demand field. It’s time to plug in and energise your professional path. The energy sector is looking for you. Let’s get started!

Who Is An Energy Analyst?

Natural gas being extracted from the earth's crust, a valuable energy source for various applications.

Energy analysts are experts who focus on looking at and controlling energy-related information and systems. They help organisations, industries, and governments make smart choices about how they use energy, how efficient they are, and how they can be more sustainable. Energy analysts gather, study, and explain data to find ways to use less energy, make energy systems work better, and use more renewable energy. They are important in helping businesses and governments save money, use resources better, and protect the environment, which is crucial for creating a more sustainable and energy-efficient world.

For example, an energy analyst working for a large manufacturing company might collect data on the energy consumption of different machines and processes in the factory. By analysing this data, the analyst can identify opportunities to optimise energy usage, such as upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment or adjusting production schedules to avoid energy-intensive processes during peak hours.

Roles And Responsibilities Of An Energy Analyst 

As an energy analyst, your main role is to analyse energy usage and efficiency to help companies run more sustainably. You get to play a key part in the fight against climate change by helping organisations lower their environmental impact.

  • Conduct Energy Audits and Assessments: One of your key responsibilities will be conducting energy audits to determine how and where companies can improve efficiency. You’ll analyse utility bills, inspect equipment, and evaluate current practices to identify opportunities for savings.
  • Provide Recommendations for Improvements: Based on your audits and assessments, you’ll recommend specific ways for companies to boost energy efficiency, like upgrading to LED lighting, improving insulation, or switching to more efficient HVAC systems. You’ll also suggest policy and behaviour changes, such as adjusting temperature set points or turning equipment when not in use.
  • Monitor and Verify Savings: You’ll help implement recommended changes and then continue to monitor energy usage to verify that the desired savings are achieved. You may need to tweak recommendations over time to maximise efficiency.
  • Stay Up-to-Date with Technology and Regulations: The field of energy efficiency is constantly evolving, so you’ll need to stay up-to-date with advancements in technology, equipment, and best practices. You’ll also need to stay on top of changes in laws, regulations, and incentive programmes related to energy usage and the environment.
  • Educate Employees: It’s important to educate your employees on energy-saving practices and how they can make a difference. This could involve simple actions like switching off lights and computers when not in use, as well as reporting any energy wastage.
  • Research and Development: You might need to research new ways to save energy. This could involve learning about new technologies and practices that can make buildings or systems more energy efficient. You might attend workshops or conferences to stay updated on the latest trends in energy efficiency.
  • Budgeting and Financial Analysis: You might need to work with budgets and conduct financial analysis to determine the cost-effectiveness of energy-saving projects. This could involve calculating return on investment (ROI) for different energy efficiency measures.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: You may assess the environmental impact of energy usage and propose ways to reduce it. This could include reducing greenhouse gas emissions or minimising waste.
  • Client Engagement: You may interact with clients to understand their energy needs and provide customised solutions. This could involve conducting surveys or interviews to gather information.
  • Project Management: You might be responsible for managing energy efficiency projects from start to finish. This could include coordinating with contractors and overseeing the implementation of energy-saving measures.
  • Reporting: You may need to prepare reports on energy usage and savings for management or regulatory purposes. This could involve compiling data and presenting it clearly and concisely.

How To Become An Energy Analyst

Man holding a tablet in a neon-lit gym.

Earn A Degree

To become an Energy Analyst, you need a bachelor’s degree in engineering, energy management, environmental science, physics, or a related field. Some employers might also consider candidates with degrees in business or economics if they have the right experience or certifications such as energy management, data analysis, sustainability, or relevant software programs like Excel, Python, or MATLAB can also be beneficial for aspiring energy analysts or having internships or work experience in energy-related fields can help candidates stand out to potential employers.

Develop Required Skills 

Energy analysts need to be good at using energy modelling software like eQuest, EnergyPlus, and IES. They should also know how to analyse data using programmes like Excel and Python and use BIM software like AutoCAD and REVIT for building design. They need to be familiar with HVAC design and simulation tools like HAP, renewable energy tools like PVsyst, and energy management systems like EnergyCAP. It’s important to note that the specific tools required can vary from organisation to organisation.

Gain Relevant Work Experience

If you want to become an energy analyst, it’s important to have some experience in energy analysis, energy management, or a similar field. You can gain this experience by doing internships, participating in co-op programmes, or starting off in entry-level positions like data analyst or energy auditor within the energy industry. These opportunities will not only give you valuable on-the-job training but also help you establish a network of contacts in the industry.


Get certifications like CEM, LEED, or CEA to make yourself more credible (though they’re not usually needed to be an energy analyst).

Skills Required For Energy Analysts 

 Red and blue light ball on black background.

  • Energy Modelling: Energy analysts need to be skilled at using specific software that simulates how buildings or systems use energy. This software includes programmes like eQuest, EnergyPlus, and IES. These tools help analysts create virtual models of buildings or systems to see how much energy they will use. For example, an energy analyst might use eQuest to simulate how an upcoming office building design will consume energy. This simulation helps them find ways to make the building more energy-efficient before it is built.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM): Energy analysts who work on building design should know how to use BIM software like AutoCAD and REVIT. This software helps create detailed 3D models of buildings, which can be used to see how much energy a building will use. For instance, an energy analyst might use REVIT to make a 3D model of a building and then use another programme called EnergyPlus to see how much energy it will consume. This helps them find ways to make the building more energy efficient.
  • HVAC Design and Simulation: Energy analysts working on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems must be familiar with HVAC design and simulation software like HAP. They should comprehend how these systems impact a building’s energy efficiency. For example, an energy analyst might use HAP to simulate the performance of different HVAC systems in a building to determine the most energy-efficient option.
  • Renewable Energy Tools: Energy analysts who are interested in renewable energy should know how to use tools like PVsyst. PVsyst helps analyse and design solar panel systems. Energy analysts use this knowledge to incorporate renewable energy sources, like solar panels, into building designs. For example, an energy analyst might use PVsyst to decide if it’s a good idea to put solar panels on a building’s roof. This helps them figure out how to use renewable energy to power buildings more efficiently.
  • Energy Management Systems: Energy analysts should know about energy management systems like EnergyCAP. These systems help track and manage how much energy is used. They collect and analyse energy data to find ways to use energy more efficiently. For example, an energy analyst might use EnergyCAP to keep an eye on how much energy different buildings use. This information helps them decide on ways to save energy and reduce costs.

Energy analysts need more than just technical skills to do their jobs well. They also need certain soft skills, like:

  • Communication: They should be able to explain complex technical stuff in simple terms to people who aren’t technical. This includes writing reports, giving presentations, and working well with others. For example, an energy analyst might need to tell building owners how to save energy in a way that’s easy to understand.
  • Problem-Solving: They need to be good at finding and fixing tricky energy problems. This might mean figuring out why a building is using too much energy or finding new ways to use renewable energy. For instance, an energy analyst might need to find ways to make a building’s heating and cooling system use less energy.
  • Attention to Detail: They have to be careful when looking at energy data and doing energy audits. They need to get the details right to find patterns and trends. For example, a small mistake when entering data could lead to wrong ideas about how a building uses energy.
  • Time Management: Since they often work on many projects at once, they need to be good at managing their time. They have to know what to do first and how to meet deadlines. For example, an energy analyst might need to juggle doing energy audits for different buildings while also analysing data and writing reports.
  • Teamwork: They usually work in teams with other professionals, like engineers and architects. So, they need to work well with others, share information, and help the team reach its goals. For example, an energy analyst might need to work with architects to design buildings that use energy wisely.
  • Adaptability: The field of energy analysis is always changing, so they need to be able to learn new things. This includes keeping up with the latest ways to save energy and use renewable energy. For instance, an energy analyst might need to learn how to use new software for modelling energy use to stay competitive.

Having these soft skills, along with technical skills, can help energy analysts succeed in their jobs.

Industry Demands For Energy Analysts

Solar panels installed on a rooftop, harnessing sunlight to generate clean and renewable energy.

  • Manufacturing: Energy analysts in manufacturing industries help companies find ways to use less energy in their factories and production processes. They might suggest using energy-efficient machines, improving insulation, or changing production schedules to save energy and reduce costs.
  • Commercial Buildings: Energy analysts working with commercial buildings help owners and managers find ways to reduce energy consumption in offices, malls, and other commercial spaces. They might recommend using energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, or implementing energy management systems to control energy use.
  • Transportation: In the transportation industry, energy analysts focus on finding ways to make vehicles more fuel-efficient. They might suggest using alternative fuels, improving engine technology, or optimising routes to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
  • Utilities: Energy analysts working for utility companies help manage the supply and distribution of energy. They might analyse data to forecast energy demand, optimise energy production, and promote energy conservation among customers.
  • Renewable Energy: In the renewable energy sector, energy analysts focus on optimising the use of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro power. They might analyse data to determine the best locations for renewable energy installations, forecast energy production, and assess the economic viability of renewable energy projects.
  • Government and Policy: Energy analysts working in government and policy roles help develop and implement energy policies and regulations. They might analyse energy data to inform policy decisions, evaluate the impact of energy policies, and promote energy efficiency and sustainability initiatives.

Salary And Future Outlook

Wind turbine in mountainous landscape at sunset.

If you are interested in becoming an energy analyst in India, the salary and career prospects are quite promising. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an energy analyst in India is around ₹6,50,000 per year.

  • Entry-level analysts with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, environmental science or a related field can expect to earn ₹3,50,000 to ₹5,00,000 per year.
  • Mid-level analysts with 5-10 years of experience usually earn ₹6,00,000 to ₹9,00,000 per year.
  • Senior analysts and managers with extensive experience and leadership roles can make ₹12,00,000 or more per year. Having advanced degrees and certifications will also increase your salary potential.

The job outlook for energy analysts in India is quite positive. The growing population and economy, as well as increased focus on renewable energy and sustainability, are driving the demand for energy analysts. Employment of energy analysts in India is projected to grow around 14% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Become An Energy Analyst With Mentoria’s Help

Becoming an energy analyst can be an exciting and rewarding career path. With the right education, skills, and experience, you’ll be well on your way to analysing energy markets, forecasting trends, and providing key insights to organisations. The future looks bright for energy analysts as demand grows, especially if you get certified and network in the field. Trust your instincts, work hard, and you could find yourself thriving in this growing profession. The energy industry needs passionate, dedicated analysts to innovate and meet tomorrow’s energy challenges – will you answer the call?

Interested in pursuing a career in the Energy industry as an Energy Analyst? Get personalised guidance by taking the Mentoria assessment and speaking with our career counsellors. Mentoria – India’s Most Reliable Career Discovery Platform. We promise to support you every step of the way in your career discovery journey, from signing up to landing a job you’re passionate about.