Jobs that AI will Take Over in the Future


Last Updated: September 5, 2022
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Ever watched futuristic films and TV shows as a child that talked about robots taking over the world? Back then, it seemed like a fantasy but today, it’s a part of our reality. While the term “robots” may seem crude, technology is taking over several aspects of our lives and advancements like automation, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality are performing tasks that previously required humans. While they have simplified lives and processes, they have also threatened jobs by making several roles obsolete. This digital revolution is evolving much faster than the industrial revolution, and people are understandably uncomfortable about what the future has in store.

Here’s a list of some of the roles that technology is taking over:

Sales and Marketing

Industries are using AI to devise an algorithm that automates lead generation. This is done by targeting potential customers based on their interests and purchase history to get optimised results.


Sales and Marketing jobs

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Data Entry Jobs

Data entry is a manual job of sorting and entering data, and probably faces the biggest threat as automation in the field of data entry has been going on for quite some time now.


Data Entry Jobs

Customer Service

Chatbots can follow complex scripts, understand human conversations and offer solutions intelligently. By 2020, about 64% of customer service jobs could be lost to automation.

Customer Service Jobs


With driverless cars becoming more than just a prototype, driverless transport and logistics are all set to become a reality.

Transportation Jobs


AI can search through extensive databases, find correlations and similar case studies, compare notes and offer solutions in language that is understandable to a layperson. All of this would take AI a couple of seconds or minutes, as opposed to a paralegal, who would require days to achieve the same task.


Paralegals Jobs

However, contrary to popular belief, we’re not about to become an unemployable population. In fact, human intervention will never lose its value. AI reduces mundane, day-to-day operational tasks. Your employees will have to understand the technology, learn how to use AI to their benefit, and adapt to change. Here are six ways to help your workforce get ready to take on the age of automation.

Mandatory Learning Time

Conduct workshops for employees so that they understand how their role is going to change. Train them in the technology you are going to adapt and encourage them to get acquainted with it. Motivate them to participate in certificate courses that will help them keep up with the changing times. Learning is a continuous process as technology is continuously evolving.

Mandatory Learning Time Jobs

Clarity in Role Changes

An employee with a clear understanding of their role will find it easy to give their best and feel secure about their job. Give your employees a clear picture of the company’s goal and let them know how they are aligned with the big picture. Your employees need to know how to lead AI in order to optimise the company’s output.


Clarity in Role Changes

Skill Diversification

Sticking to one skill-set will seriously hamper your employees’ progress, not just in your organisation but in their career paths as well. Encourage them to attend workshops and courses that will help them expand their skill-set. If a certain division of your company were to be automated, your employees can then find it easier to transit to another division within the company.

Skill Diversification

Mentoria helps you navigate through career crossroads with ease. Talk to our career counsellors to get personalized step-by-step guidance for your future career path.

Acceptance Towards Change

It is not always easy for everyone to adapt to change. Take your employees through the process of change management. Our Iceberg Is Melting by John P. Kotter makes for a great read when it comes to managing change and adapting to it.

Acceptance Towards Change

Rewarding Early Adopters

Appreciate employees who enroll in the training workshops, share ideas to streamline your company’s process and apply AI creatively to get the best and the most efficient way to get things done. Rewards often motivate employees to change or work towards a better future, and rewarding the early adopters is sure to get the rest of them to follow suit.

Rewarding Early Adopters

Streamlined Recruitment

In order to ensure that your organisation grows along with the technology, it is important that you hire the right person for the right job. Hiring someone based on their abilities isn’t enough; it is important to be absolutely sure that the candidate also has an inherent interest in the job they are applying for. Set up an internal process or partner with the right organisation to streamline your recruitment process and ensure that you’ve got the right person for the right job.

Streamlined Recruitment

As the popular saying goes, learning is a continuous process. Even CEOs of multinational conglomerates are constantly familiarising themselves with newer strategies and technologies, and learning is the only way to keep up with the fast-paced evolution the world is currently going through. As long as you have a workforce that is curious to learn and willing to adapt, your organisation will thrive in the face of automation and reach newer levels of productivity and success.

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