Thriving at Work: 8 Ways Organisations Prioritise Employee Wellness

Soundarya Mahalakshmi

Last Updated: November 7, 2023
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Hello, wonderful friends who are also workplace warriors and wellness advocates! Let’s discuss employee wellness, a topic that is dear to all of our hearts. Finding a balance between job obligations and personal needs can be difficult in the hectic world of modern work life. However, among all the commotion, a few shining beacons shine out: businesses that place a high priority on employee wellbeing in addition to production.

Today, we’re sharing seven insider tips of companies who have mastered the art of encouraging employee wellness. They have their wellness game on check, offering everything from flexible work schedules to mental health care. So take a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s explore what makes these businesses so exceptional when it comes to employee wellbeing.

Promotion of Exercise

a man doing squats

Employee wellness is critically dependant on staying active. Many prestigious companies encourage physical wellness by providing on-site fitness facilities, hosting group exercise programmes, and selling club memberships. Employees who feel physically good are more likely to be productive and engaged at work since a healthy body and mind go hand in hand.

On-Site Fitness Facilities: Companies often provide on-site gyms or fitness centres where employees can work out before, during, or after work. This makes it convenient for employees to incorporate exercise into their daily routines.

Group Exercise programmes: Some organisations organise group exercise classes, such as yoga, Zumba, or team sports, to encourage social interaction while staying active. It fosters a sense of community within the workplace.

Club Memberships: To further motivate employees, some companies offer discounted or subsidised memberships to local gyms or fitness clubs. This allows employees to access a variety of fitness options.

Psychological Support

a person holding a tab with the word 'psychology' on it

In the modern world, mental wellness is important. Leading companies offer resources and assistance for their employees’ mental health since they are aware of this. A key aim is to provide a secure and supportive atmosphere for mental health, whether it be through counselling services being accessible, stress management classes being offered, or simply by fostering open dialogue regarding mental health.

Counselling Services: Access to professional counselling services is often available for employees who may be dealing with stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

Stress Management Classes: Companies may offer workshops and classes to help employees manage stress effectively. These classes teach stress-reduction techniques and coping strategies.

Open Dialogue: Fostering open conversations about mental health is essential. Some organisations encourage employees to discuss their mental well-being and provide resources for those who need support.

Optimum Nutritional Options

food on a table

Have you ever been hungry when stuck at work and had no choice but to eat anything from the vending machine? Top businesses provide a variety of nutritious food options to meet the nutritional demands of their staff. This could entail providing free or reduced-priced nutritional meals, snacks, or even having a fully stocked kitchen with wholesome options.

Healthy Meal Options: Some companies provide free or discounted healthy meal options in their cafeterias or break areas. This ensures that employees have access to nutritious food during their work hours.

Healthy Snacks: Snack rooms are stocked with a variety of healthy options, reducing the temptation to opt for less nutritious snacks from vending machines.

Fully Stocked Kitchens: Some organisations maintain fully stocked kitchens with fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome choices, encouraging employees to make healthier eating choices.

Promotion of Work Breaks

Nobody can work continuously. Top companies encourage employees to take regular breaks so they may refuel and return to work with new views. Taking brief breaks is viewed as crucial for maintaining productivity and lowering stress, whether it’s a lunch break, a quick walk around the block, or a game room to decompress.

Lunch Breaks: Encouraging employees to take their full lunch breaks and providing pleasant spaces for relaxation during this time.

Physical Activity Breaks: Some companies promote short walks or physical activities during breaks to recharge both physically and mentally.

Game Rooms and Relaxation Spaces: Offering spaces where employees can unwind, play games, or simply relax helps reduce stress and promote work-life balance.

Fostering Growth and Learning

The organisation as a whole gains from investing in employee development in addition to the individual employee. Progressive businesses offer workshops, training opportunities, and ongoing education. Employee satisfaction and well-being are increased when they believe they are moving up in their jobs.

Workshops and Training: Organisations need to offer workshops, training programmes, and opportunities for skill development. This fosters a sense of progress and motivates employees to improve their skills.

Ongoing Education: Some organisations support further education or degree programmes, demonstrating a commitment to their employees’ long-term growth.

Career Advancement: Providing a clear path for career progression within the company motivates employees to stay and grow with the organisation.

Support for Financial Wellness

The mental and emotional well-being of an employee can be substantially impacted by financial concerns. Innovative businesses provide access to financial consultants, training on budgeting and investing, and financial wellness programmes. This aids workers in improved money management, stress reduction, and future planning.

Financial Consultants: Offering access to financial advisors who can provide guidance on budgeting, saving, and investing.

Financial Wellness programmes: Some companies organise workshops on financial planning, retirement savings, and debt management to help employees improve their financial health.

Competitive Compensation: Offering competitive salaries and benefits packages is another way to alleviate financial stress among employees.

Promoting a Positive Work Culture

The basis of employee wellbeing is a supportive work environment. The best organisations promote inclusion, teamwork, and a feeling of community. They acknowledge efforts, congratulate successes, and foster a welcoming environment where staff members feel appreciated and supported. 

Inclusion and Diversity: They promote inclusion and diversity, ensuring that all employees feel valued and respected.

Recognition and Appreciation: Recognising employees’ efforts and celebrating their successes creates a sense of accomplishment and job satisfaction.

Community and Teamwork: Encouraging collaboration and teamwork fosters a sense of community, making the workplace a more enjoyable and supportive environment.

The significance of employee well-being in a society where the definition of work is changing cannot be stressed. The smiles and pleasure of a company’s staff are a better indicator of success than its financial statements. The amazing firms we’ve looked at here have cracked the code, demonstrating to us that creating a culture of wellbeing is not only desirable, but also necessary.

The first gem in the crown, flexible work schedules and remote choices, honour people’s various circadian rhythms. Understanding that not everyone performs best in a traditional 9-to-5 environment results in a happier and more productive workforce. This flexibility gives workers more power because it allows them to attend a child’s school play or avoid rush hour traffic. The promotion of exercise is the next item on the list. It’s important to promote an active lifestyle rather than merely getting staff members to log time at the gym. Regular exercise creates pleasant endorphins, which reduce stress and promote a healthy state of mind in addition to keeping the body in shape. These programmes, whether they involve company-wide step challenges or yoga lessons over lunch, energise the workers.

Employee wellbeing rests on a foundational pillar of mental health assistance. The modern workplace can be a pressure cooker, making it essential rather than optional to take note of employees’ mental health. Offering access to counselling services or setting up training on managing stress and anxiety makes the workplace sympathetic and conducive to employee well-being. Let’s borrow a page from their book as we raise a glass to a happier, healthier, and better work life. A successful, content workforce is built on a foundation of flexible work schedules, mental health assistance, physical activity encouragement, and a great workplace culture. So let’s toast to finding a place of employment that values you for who you are as a whole person and to embracing the path to a healthier, happier work-life balance. After all, a flourishing employee is an organisation’s real lifeblood. 

Promoting Wellness Through Mentoria

Prioritising employee wellness within an organisation is paramount for several compelling reasons. Mentoria can help students to identify their strengths and interests, and then use this information to choose a career path. We can also gently nudge currently working professionals who are feeling unfulfilled in their current job to use Mentoria’s career counselling services to develop a plan to transition into a new field. 


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