What is Quality Education? How Important Is It?


Last Updated: September 27, 2022
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It’s 6am. Your alarm goes off. You rush to get ready and make it to your school bus, for a long day packed with classes. As soon as school is over, you rush to coaching classes or rush home to study more. And you study and study until it’s time to go to bed. Ask any student, and they’ll share the exact same experience. This is the day in the life of a student.

With rising cut-offs, cutthroat competition and a frenzied rush for college admissions, we’re cramming every bit of information in front of us to make sure we’re keeping up with our studies. But are we really learning? Or are we simply memorising for exam after exam, only to forget it all once the paper is done?

Quality education isn’t about cramming your entire syllabus or preparing for a near-perfect score. We aren’t just studying to make it to college. We’re studying to prepare for life as adults. We’re laying the foundations for our future. And cramming won’t help us build a strong foundation

students studying

This is everyone’s basic idea of school, right? Did you, as a kid, make a hundred excuses to not go to school for a day? Do you hear complaints from children like:

“The teachers don’t even teach practical subjects, it’s all theory and tedious”

 “It’s so boring to sit in class and listen to one teacher rambling about something I don’t   

 even know”

“Why am I even studying science? I don’t even want to get into that field.”

Do you know why this happens? Because, quality education is not promoted. Teachers often teach the things in the syllabus without ever pointing out why it is necessary to study it. 

Education should be a system that helps all children realise their full potential and become contributing members of society, not just a means of delivering information. But it is not the case everywhere in a country like India. Education often feels “boring” and “ineffective”. Quality education becomes really important in today’s age when everything works on practical knowledge, where street smarts are given preference over book smarts. Quality education is the way to make your child an all-rounder.

school students

Quality Education This, Quality Education That But What is Quality Education?

It could appear at first glance that superior facilities are equivalent to quality education. The issue with this strategy is that it ignores the essential function teachers play in your child’s education in favor of concentrating on infrastructure. A quality education is one that is developmentally sound and prepares the students to be contributing members of society. 

A quality education cannot be determined solely by test results or the speed at which a 5-year-old can read. The whole child is the focus of a quality education, and it prepares the student for life, not simply for tests. The actual secret to a quality education is having quality teachers. However, because most schools don’t highlight their teachers, it might be challenging or even impossible for parents to evaluate a school’s quality. As a result, they turn to the facilities for indicators.

It’s like teaching children the practical and real-life application of derivatives instead of just teaching them that without any context. Clearly, teachers play the most crucial role in this. Having young teachers who could make the things relatable to children is very important. It’s crucial to keep in mind that a good education involves more than just academic achievement. A good teacher will support your child’s growth not only intellectually but also socially, emotionally, and spiritually.


Is Quality Education Important?

Quality education makes learning fun and engaging in contrast to traditional  We are all aware of how technology is altering the way that education is provided. The ways in which pupils are taught have changed along with the ways in which they are educated. Education used to be more of a monologue in the past, but today’s teachers encourage the students to keep the information flowing both ways in the classroom.

Students should be encouraged to express their opinions during lectures. Recognizing your child’s individuality and talents is crucial, whether they are academic, musical, athletic, creative, interpersonal, or something else and this is what quality education does. So here are top 5 reasons why quality education is important:

  • A holistic teaching strategy makes sure that your child develops into a well-rounded young adult who recognises and values both their own and other people’s talents. Because after all, you don’t want your child to be smart only when it comes to academics. 
  • The environment is favorable for learning, meaning that the infrastructure, contemporary facilities, operational setting, and human resources are all available to the child’s satisfaction. These elements will contribute to closing the skills gap in the real world.
  • Teachers provide each student individual attention to help them in a variety of ways, including spiritually, psychologically, socially, and nutritionally, promoting holistic growth.
  • It makes it possible for individuals to live longer, healthier lives that are more sustainable, and it is crucial to the development of tolerant and peaceful societies.
  • Activities outside of school are carefully planned to advance abilities. For sports and social training, outside space is required. You have the chance to hone the abilities you already have.

Main Components of Quality Education

Here are some components that make education “quality” education:

  1. The teacher and teaching strategies

The teacher is the most crucial element when it comes to high-quality education, as was previously discussed. A teacher who is knowledgeable and has done extensive research on a subject will be better equipped to manage a classroom full of kids. It has been demonstrated that a good teacher—one who provides value to the learning process—can assist pupils achieve better learning results. If you, as a student, find such teachers, make sure to take advantage and learn the most out of their experiences!

  1. Educational content

Does the curriculum also provide a strong emphasis on fundamentals like nutrition, hygiene, understanding of HIV/AIDS, handling conflicts, gender equality, and other significant domestic and worldwide issues? There are so many topics that are fascinating to kids and that may be taught to them at an early age. If the curriculum does not teach that to you, make sure to seek information on such topics through good podcasts, youtube videos, books, blogs and so on!

  1. Learning environment

Is the learning atmosphere wholesome, safe, guarded, motivating, and appropriate for both girls and boys? Does a learning environment that is inclusive of minorities and students with disabilities? Do the students gain an appreciation for one another and the surrounding environment? In the stage of development where imitation learning is most prevalent, the type of student body the school draws has a significant influence on the child.

quality education
  1. Contextualisation and Relevance

One of the keys to keeping students interested in the teaching-learning process is contextualization, which allows them to relate their own experiences to the material being taught. By connecting the context of the students to the mathematical material presented in school, it gives the lesson meaning and relevance to your life. There is no point of education if you don’t apply it in real life. 

  1. Skill Development 

Students’ emotional growth is aided by skill development and training. You must be willing to try new things if you want to learn new talents. Including research-based assignments and projects in your lessons will give you a solid foundation on which to build these crucial workplace 21st century abilities. You must be exposed to candid conversations and situations that make it easier for you to communicate with others. You will have to put efforts to develop your skills beyond school by engaging in activities that you find interesting and explore more!

  1. Attention to Culture

Culture is significant but frequently ignored. One cultural issue that is regularly contested in many nations is the use of the mother tongue as the language of teaching. There are practical implications for education when a sizable portion of students in a nation do not speak the native tongue at home. You can always learn about your culture via parents, grandparents, and cultural groups. While doing this, don’t limit yourself to just your culture!

quality education

Quality Education in India

Each nation has its own distinct educational system, but some are so fascinating and well-managed that they are far closer to the standards of Quality Education in the globe.

In India, regardless of where they are from, every girl and boy has a fundamental right to a quality education that will enable them to develop core reading and numeracy skills, enjoy studying without anxiety, and feel valued and included. 

Since ancient times, India has always accompanied a rich culture and approach in the area of education and enlightenment. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes are among the outcomes of such education, which are linked to national goals for education and positive societal engagement. Here are some schools that provide quality education:

-Rishi Valley School, Chittoor

Chinmaya International Residential School, Coimbatore

Ecole Globale International Girls School, Dehradun

Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai

Get Educated And Not Just Literate 

The education system is altering to meet the requirements of your kids, just as they are. Even while a teacher still needs to educate, technology can help them improve their classes and aid in their students’ learning. If you need help with what school to choose for your child, kick-start your career discovery journey with Mentoria & be sure to find the right career fit for you. Our four-step career guidance solution, helps us find the right career fit for you from 3 streams, 850+ courses & 12,000+ careers.