Here are 6 Common Business Communication Errors Fixed For You


Last Updated: March 29, 2023
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Ah, business communication. It’s the glue that holds any successful organisation together. But let’s be real, it’s not always easy to get it right. Whether it’s a poorly-worded email, a confusing memo, or a misinterpreted message, communication errors can be a real buzzkill for any business.

But fear not, dear reader! In this blog, we’ve got you covered. We’ll be taking a look at six common errors in business communication and providing you with the solutions you need to fix them. So, if you’re tired of getting lost in translation or leaving your colleagues scratching their heads, buckle up and let’s get started!

Business Communication


Have you ever received an email with instructions that left you scratching your head? Avoid causing confusion by being clear and specific in your messaging. Break down complex instructions into simple steps and provide examples if needed. This will ensure that your recipients know exactly what’s expected of them.

Ambiguity can occur in several ways, such as using vague or imprecise language, failing to provide sufficient context, or assuming that the recipient has the same background knowledge or understanding as the sender. For example, if a project manager sends an email to their team saying, “We need to finalise the project ASAP,” this message is ambiguous because it doesn’t specify what exactly needs to be done, by whom, or by when.


When communicating with others, it’s important to use language that everyone can understand. Avoid using industry-specific jargon that may be unfamiliar to your audience. Instead, try to use plain language and explain any technical terms or acronyms that you use. This will help ensure that your message is clear and understood by all.

Too much jargon in a piece of writing can make it difficult to read, or perhaps impossible to understand. Your written messages should be as easy to read, understand, and write clearly and concisely. For instance, if you want to instruct others on how to avoid errors at work, your chances of success are slim if they don’t comprehend what you are saying.


The tone of your communication can make a big difference in how your message is received. Avoid using a dismissive or rude tone, as this can create tension in the workplace and damage relationships. Instead, use a tone that’s respectful and professional, and be mindful of how your words may be perceived by others.

For example, using a confrontational or aggressive tone in an email or during a meeting can be perceived as disrespectful and may lead to a breakdown in communication.

To avoid errors in tone in business communication, it’s important to use a professional and respectful tone that is appropriate for the context and the recipient of the message. This means using language that is polite, clear, and concise, and avoiding language that is too casual or informal. 

Not Tailoring Your Message

When communicating with others, it’s important to remember that one size doesn’t fit all. Tailor your message to your audience, taking into account their needs, interests, and preferences. This will help ensure that your message resonates with your audience and that they’re more likely to take action on your message.

When communicating with different individuals or groups, it’s important to tailor your message to suit their specific needs and interests. This means considering the recipient’s background knowledge, their position within the organisation, their communication style, and their preferences. For example, a message intended for a technical team may require more detail and technical jargon than a message intended for a non-technical audience.

Lack of Clarity in Subject Lines

A vague or unclear subject line can make it difficult for your message to stand out in a crowded inbox. Make sure your subject line is clear, specific, and relevant to the content of your message. This will help ensure that your message gets noticed and doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

When the subject line is unclear, the recipient may not understand what the message is about, leading to confusion and potential misinterpretation of the message. Unclear subject lines can also lead to the recipient ignoring the message altogether, especially if they receive a lot of emails and need to prioritise which ones to read first.

Not Asking for Feedback

The key to effective communication is reciprocity. You must not only convey the appropriate message but also ascertain whether the audience has received and understood it. If you don’t know whether or not people understand your communications effort, how can you gauge its success?

Businesses need to constantly improve in order to stay competitive, and seeking feedback from customers, employees, and other stakeholders is a key part of this process. By not asking for feedback, businesses may miss opportunities to identify areas for improvement and make changes that could lead to better outcomes.

Without feedback, business decisions may be based on incomplete information or assumptions, which can lead to poor outcomes. Seeking feedback from stakeholders can help to ensure that decisions are informed by a range of perspectives and insights.

Business Communication Errors

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