10 Tips on How to Reduce Exam Stress


Last Updated: September 1, 2022
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Exams are approaching, and you have been preparing for weeks on end. Although there always are those who prefer to catch up on the syllabus at the last minute. Either way, each student battles stress in his/her way. 

Books kept on a table

Mentoria has a Few Hacks for you to Avoid Exam Stress.

1) Listen to Music

This is number one on the list. Choose something you like and play on.  Music is known to elevate one’s mood and helps you to be calm. It also helps you to concentrate better and increases productivity.

2) Go Outdoors

Take regular breaks. Move around. You could either go for a small stroll outside. Either way, a change of environment and movement helps reduce stress. Studies have shown how any form of exercise increases the concentration levels of an individual.

3) Make a Routine  

To stay ahead of the game, it’s best to plan for the future. Create a timetable for yourself and prioritise your subjects. Choose the ones you want to begin with, prepare a weekly schedule and stick to it. As the exams approach, this will help you stay calm and keep your preparations organised, which will further only help you perform better in your exams.

4) Get Enough Sleep

When stressed, one of the things that go for a toss is a good night’s sleep. It is often noticed how students spend sleepless nights studying or plain worrying. Lack of sleep only slows the brain down. Getting enough shut-eye will help you breeze through the last minute cramming.  

For more guidance and helpful advice, speak to Mentoria’s expert career counsellors. We provide  personalized step-by-step guidance for your future career path. 

5) Afford Some Laughs

We all appreciate a good laugh, whether young or old. Catch up on your favourite stand-up acts during a break that you take. Relax and rejuvenate, as a hearty laugh increases circulation and helps muscular relaxation, both of which can help relieve some of the physical symptoms of stress.

6)  Eat Chocolate

According to research, dark chocolate can fight the hormone called cortisol released due to stress. So, digging into your favourite dark chocolate can produce a relaxing effect on your mind. Who can say no to that? If you are  a sweet toother, it’s noteworthy to learn that dark chocolate has so many health benefits.

7) Don’t Forget Friends

Somehow during exams, friends are only remembered to exchange notes, discuss preparations, joint studies etc. Remember, chatting with your best buds is a great way to unwind. For some time, take your mind off your schedule and have a laugh or two with your friends. They too would much appreciate this downtime themselves.

Coffee in a cup & book

8) Hot Beverages to the Rescue

Well, we spoke of dark chocolate; what about some good ol’ hot chocolate or a refreshing hot tea/coffee? Who could resist? Warm drinks are known to be therapeutic. Make sure you grab a cup when things get tiresome. This will not only improve your mood but also have a calming effect on your mind.

9) Play With Your Pet

This is a happy distraction. Fret not if you don’t have one, your neighbours do, don’t they?According to Research, petting a pet reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, while social interaction between humans and their pets raises levels of the feel-good hormone oxytocin.

10) Avoid Unhealthy Distractions

It’s best to stay away from your smartphones for a while, especially social media apps like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You might soon find yourself immersed and not realise the amount of time lost.

These 10 hacks will certainly help you bust stress if any. If you have your own innovative ways, by all means, go ahead and try them. Let us know about them too.

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