Latest Updates On TCS NQT 2024 – June Cycle


Last Updated: April 30, 2023
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If you’re here to learn about TCS NQT exams, then you’re in for a treat.

Now, some of you might be thinking, “Why should I care about TCS NQT exams? I’d rather be binge-watching Netflix or eating a bag of chips.” But let us tell you, TCS is one of the coolest IT companies out there, and working for them can open up doors you never knew existed. Plus, taking the TCS NQT exams can start a fantastic journey in the world of technology.

So, whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, TCS NQT exams can be a great way to take your career to the next level. And don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to pass with flying colours.

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What The TCS NQT Exam Is All About

Are you ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of TCS NQT exams? Great! Let’s get started.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) dropped a bombshell on the world of IT with the announcement of the TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test) for the June Cycle on June 17, 2024. So, if you’re ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime and show the world what you’re made of, then get ready to take the TCS NQT exam from April 26, 2024 onward. It’s time to channel your inner Einstein and let your brain do the talking (or typing, since it’s an online exam :D).

First things first, what is TCS NQT? Well, it’s basically a test that helps you kickstart your career in the IT industry. Think of it as a doorway to the world of technology, and TCS is the gatekeeper. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back and we’re going to help you unlock that door with ease.

Now, let’s talk about the exam itself. The TCS NQT exam consists of four sections – coding, programming concepts, verbal ability, and numerical aptitude. All sections have cut-offs based on which you will then be considered for a technical interview round.

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Before you jump headfirst into the world of TCS NQT exams, you need to make sure you’re eligible. The eligibility criteria can vary depending on your education and experience, but generally speaking, anyone with a degree in engineering or science can take the exam. Sorry, arts majors, looks like you’ll have to sit this one out.

Last but not least, let’s talk about the registration process. It’s as easy as pie, and we’ll guide you through it step by step. Just make sure you have all the necessary documents and information handy, and you’ll be all set.

  • The first step is to visit the official TCS NQT website. Here, you’ll find all the information you need about the exam, including the eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and syllabus.
  • Once you’re on the TCS NQT website, you’ll need to create an account. This is a simple process that requires you to provide your basic information such as your name, email address, and phone number.
  • After creating your account, the next step is to fill in your personal and educational details. 
  • Once you’ve provided your personal and educational details, the next step is to select your preferred exam centre and date. You’ll have the option to choose from a list of available centres and dates.
  • The final step in the registration process is to upload your photograph and signature.  And that’s it!

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Crushing The TCS NQT Like A Boss!

Congratulations, friend! You’ve made it this far, and now it’s time to tackle the TCS NQT head-on. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back with some killer tips and tricks to help you ace this exam.

  1. Exam Pattern: First things first, get to know the exam pattern like the back of your hand. The TCS NQT assesses your abilities in three areas: Verbal ability, reasoning ability, and numerical ability. Take a look at the exam pattern here: TCS NQT Exam Pattern. Understanding the pattern will help you prepare better and improve your performance. The TCS NQT is a computer-based test that is divided into three sections – Verbal ability, Reasoning ability, and Numerical ability. Each section consists of 20 questions, and you have 40 minutes to complete each section. Now, each correct answer is worth one point, and there is no negative marking. So, if you attempt all the questions and score all correct answers, you can get a maximum score of 120 marks. Typically a score of 70-80 out of 120 is considered a good score in the TCS NQT. In the Verbal Ability section, you can expect questions related to grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. In the Reasoning ability section, you’ll encounter problems that test your logical thinking and problem-solving skills. And in the Numerical ability section, you’ll be tested on your ability to work with numbers and solve numerical problems.

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  1. Create A Study Plan: Next, create a study plan that works for you. Be realistic and set achievable goals. For instance, don’t expect to learn everything in a single day. Spread out your study time over a few weeks, and dedicate specific hours of the day to studying. That way, you’ll avoid burnout and maximise your learning potential.
  2. Choose The Right Study Plan: Choosing the right study material is crucial for success. You can find a variety of study materials online, but make sure to choose reliable sources. Check out TCS NQT Exam Preparation Tips for more information and links to study materials.
  3. Mock Tests: Practising mock tests is an excellent way to get a feel for the exam and improve your performance. Try taking mock tests from previous years and simulate exam conditions as closely as possible. Lastly, work on improving your time management skills. Remember that time is of the essence during the exam, and you’ll need to manage your time wisely to answer all the questions.

Acing the Post-Exam Process

After the TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test), the next step is to check your results. And let’s be honest, waiting for results can be nerve-wracking, but it’s also exciting because you’re one step closer to your dream job. So, take a deep breath, cross your fingers, and check your results when they’re announced.

If you qualify for the next round, it’s time to prepare for the interview round. This is your chance to shine and showcase your skills and abilities. So, make sure you bring your A-game and prepare well in advance. Practice answering common interview questions, research the company and the role you’re applying for, and get familiar with the company’s values.

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During the interview, you can expect to be asked a mix of technical and HR questions. So, make sure you’re well-prepared to answer both types of questions. Brush up on your technical skills, revise important concepts, and practice answering common HR questions such as “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” and “Why do you want to work for our company?”

While technical skills are important, soft skills are equally essential in the workplace. Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership can set you apart from the competition. So, focus on developing these skills and showcasing them during the interview.


Anchor Your Career With TCS NQT

Ahoy there, matey! If you’re a fresher looking to chart your course in the IT industry, the TCS NQT is the treasure map you need! It’s like finding a hidden chest of gold, except instead of gold, you get a chance to showcase your skills and land your dream job. And with a little bit of preparation, you can hoist the sails and ace the exam like a true captain, steering your ship towards success! So, what are you waiting for? Join the crew and set sail for a bright future with TCS NQT!

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