What are the Types of Psychological Disorders and Problems?
Mental disorders are patterns of behavioural or psychological symptoms that affect multiple segments of life. Continue reading more to know the various types of psychological disorders and problems?
AI Chatbot for Education – What are the Benefits?
Let’s look at some of the benefits and examples of how AI and chatbots are being used in the education sector to enhance the experience of the .
Mentoria Career Counselling Review – Orbis School Pune
Mentoria conducted a career counseling workshop for the students of Orbis School, Pune. Check out how the program helped the students
10 Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Anxiety And Depression
Feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious and don’t know how to break the cycle? Here are ten lifestyle changes to overcome anxiety & depression!
How to Conduct a Career Counselling Session?
Career counsellors have the magical power of helping us through stress and uncertainty. Here are a few tips on how to conduct a career counselling session.
Technology in Classroom – Good or Bad for Students?
Know its impact, positive and negative effects in the classroom. Positive Effects of Using Technology in Education.
Psychometrics Don’t Just Guide Students, They Benefit Institutions
Learn how doing Psychometric assessment of students can benefit & help students and colleges both. Mentoria has got the right solution for you.
8 Best Blogs to Read from Around the World
Here is a list of a few popular blogs from around the world picked by Mentoria that you will enjoy reading. Check them out now.
Five People Who Prove That Excelling at Academics Isn’t Everything
Mentoria presents stories of five famous people who achieved success regardless of their educational background & proved academics isn’t all