7 Ways How Parents Can Support Their Children During Exam Season


Last Updated: March 27, 2023
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Hey there, exams can be scary for students, but let’s not forget about parents. If you’re a parent, we understand that you feel anxious and worried for your child. But don’t worry, there are small steps you can take to make things easier for them. First, provide a quiet study space that is free from distractions. This can help your child focus and concentrate on their studies. Second, offer words of encouragement and support. Let your child know that you believe in them and their abilities.

Lastly, be understanding and patient. Remember that exams are stressful for everyone, and it’s okay if your child doesn’t perform as well as they hoped. What matters most is that they tried their best. So, let’s make this academic journey fun and interesting. Together, we can help our children reach their full potential and succeed in their exams! Here is how to go about it! Read on to find out! 

exam season

Let’s Cut To The Chase!

While some students manage to go through exams with little work and anxiety, others could feel a lot of pressure but being there for your child and letting them know that you are always willing to support them through all of life’s obstacles really helps. Stay informed about your child’s coursework, ask about their exams, and show interest in their studies. This is the first step. So let’s dive right in and see the rest!

1. Don’t Hover Over Your Child

While some students manage to go through exams with little work and anxiety, others could feel a lot of pressure. 

You can suggest that they make little sheets or flashcards containing formulas for maths, accounting, physics, history, etc. to use as self-help tools. You are welcome to sit with them and take an oral exam for these topics. To test them, have them rewrite it without assistance. Both of y’all will feel less stressed this way! This also brings us to our next suggestion-

2. Help Them Make A Study Plan

With so many tasks on your plate, we as adults have trouble managing time effectively. Consider how challenging it would be for your child to balance school, extracurricular activities, homework, studying, friendships, chores, and exams all at once. Wouldn’t anyone love having support when it comes to planning things out? Be that support for them! Even after spending hours studying for a test, your child may not achieve the desired scores. It’s probably because they have never learned how to study smart, not because your child isn’t smart. 

It is beneficial to get down with your child and help them plan their exam schedule. Parents should evaluate the plan every week and make any necessary small modifications. This will make it easier for kids to balance studying and downtime. Subjects that the learner could find challenging should receive more time in class. Also, make sure that your child’s study area is well-ventilated and well-lit, as well as stocked with necessary stationery.


  1. Help them Avoid Study Distractions

Although you shouldn’t abandon all of your family’s customs and practises because of an exam, try to keep distractions to a minimum. The loud noise of a bustling home, watching TV, spending too much time on social media, performing too many chores, and doing too many domestic tasks can all keep your child from studying or cause unneeded stress.

Digital devices and social media platforms, which are regularly used to stay updated, can divert attention when used for an extended period of time. Parental controls are available on gadgets and ought to be used. To assist reduce further distractions, we advise placing limits on how much time is spent on screens.


  1. Ensure They Get Nutritious Food

Good food is like food for the brain. Even though it seems obvious, this is incredibly important! Parents must ensure that their children are eating all of their meals on time, whether it’s the daily glass of milk or wholesome snacks. Additionally, maintaining high levels of brain energy requires proper nutrition.

On the other side, inadequate nutrition might result in sluggishness and impaired focus. Junk food should be avoided as much as possible because it impairs cognitive function.

Your child’s memory and focus will improve thanks to a balanced diet, which will also provide them the energy they need to study for and ace all of their examinations.

  1. Ensure They’re Getting Enough Sleep

Your child may have mood fluctuations, sleep problems, and appetite loss if they are experiencing exam anxiety. For the sake of both their physical and mental health, children must get a decent night’s sleep. Ensure that with enough food, your child also gets enough sleep. Verify your child’s schedule to make sure they have adequate time for a well-deserved nap. A good night’s sleep will ease anxiety and keep the kid awake on the big test day.

how to improve sleep

  1. Support your Child Emotionally

Being there for your child physically as well as emotionally can have a profoundly good impact on them. Typically, students experience a great deal of stress and worry while preparing for exams. Their mental health can be significantly improved by knowing that someone is constantly there for them.

As a parent, this is the time to cut back on your trips, put your favourite TV series on hold, and postpone family vacations. It’s a moment to offer your child unwavering support, pay attention to how they’re feeling, and be there for them emotionally whenever they need someone.


Avoid placing unfair demands on your child and keep open lines of communication in order to encourage them to learn more effectively. You should refrain from saying things like “Your future depends on this exam” and “If you want to succeed in life, you must succeed in these exams.” It’s important to instil in them the value of the exams, but this should not come at the expense of their health.

  1. Listen to Them after Exams

Give them time to explain their side of the story and let them discuss the paper without passing any judgement. They deserve praise even if they did a good job or not. Avoid scrutinising the paper at length to point out the mistakes they committed.   

While we may assume that doing this enables the child to learn from their errors, it really has quite the opposite effect by discouraging the child, especially after they have invested all of their energy into the exam. If you want to teach the kid from their blunders, do it two to three days following the test.


With Your Children, Are YOU Exam Ready?

Your life does not have to be put on hold because your child is studying for board exams. Parents should, however, ensure that they are there while their children are working on important papers. The most important thing is to be positive around them so that they absorb the optimism. Be ready to accept limitations and trust their abilities to bring out the best in them. It is great to be involved in helping your child with his/her preparations, but you should know where to draw a line.

If you need help with creating the right parenting style suitable to your needs or helping your child pick a career, we are here for you. Through Mentoria, students can develop their confidence, self-awareness, and communication skills. Our psychometric assessments can help students to learn more about their personality traits, interests, and values, which can help in career choices. And through our workshops for employees and career guidance and counselling for their children, we’re on a mission to transfrom lives of our future leaders from clutter to clarity, one aspirant at a time.