Top YouTube Channels for Aspiring Neuroscientists

Malaika M Khan

Last Updated: October 4, 2023
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If you’re like the majority of students out there – you must’ve noticed that you can learn better when you watch videos related to the topic rather than sitting in a traditional classroom atmosphere. Well yes, my friend, you are absolutely right! Even a study conducted long ago by Berk back in 2009, explains exactly this. It highlights the importance of incorporating video-based education. So who says learning Neuroscience can’t be fun? 

By definition, Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system), its functions and disorders. It explores the structure and function of these neural networks, seeking to understand how they give rise to thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and everything in between!

In this blog, we will guide you towards some of the youtube channels that we have discovered which empowers your thirst for knowledge. We will keep it specific to sources on the resources related to Neuroscience, that can empower you with knowledge and practical insights that extend far beyond the boundaries of conventional schooling.

brain and neuroscience

Beyond The Classroom: Youtube As An Educational Goldmine

Well, genZ basically grew up with smartphones, tablet PCs and social media at their fingertips. As this generation of “virtual learners” is entering both the workplace and higher education classrooms, traditional teaching and learning methods have become ineffective. Our attention spans demand interactivity, visual cues, colours. Youtube is a perfect fit for this demand. 

Additionally, we can all agree that traditional education often falls short of equipping individuals with in-depth knowledge of the subjects. Some of the reasons can be – outdated syllabi, lack of skill-based education, lack of interaction between the students and teachers and much more!

Watch videos anytime, anywhere, in the comfort of your home or in public. 

So let’s dive right in!

Neuroscientifically Challenged

With over 383k subscribers on YouTube, Neuroscientifically Challenged is a valuable YouTube channel for individuals interested in learning about neuroscience.

It provides clear and concise explanations of various neuroscientific concepts and topics in a way that’s accessible to a broad audience, making it an excellent resource for beginners looking to understand the fundamentals of neuroscience.

They also have a wide range of playlists for different topics of Neuroscience. Check it out here

Plus points:

  • Super short videos 
  • Cool Illustrations 

All in all, it simplifies Neuroscience and makes it enjoyable to understand!

Neuro Transmissions

“It’s not rocket surgery, it’s brain science!” Neuroscientist Alie and therapist Micah created Neuro Transmissions with a singular mission in mind: explain the brain…simply! 

Whether it’s delving into what certain drugs do to your neurons or illustrating the psychology of cat behaviour, they break down that impossibly complex organ living in your head without all the jargon. 

Have you checked out this playlist? It gives you a taste of what their channel is about. pretty cool, isn’t it?

What’s more is you can learn more on their website too!

Neuro Lifestyle

Neuro Lifestyle is a popular YouTube channel with over 518k subscribers. Created by Andrew Huberman, a popular neuroscientist who is also the creator of Huberman Labs, aims to provide tips to live a healthy lifestyle in this modern era through Dopamine Detox, Healthy Habits help you unlock the complete potential of your brain.

This channel also emphasises the importance of getting better sleep which results in more energy throughout the day.

Intrigued by this? Subscribe to their newsletter for more educational content!

Plus points:

  • Explaining how the brain works in a podcast format
  • Providing deep knowledge on day-to-day brain activities
  • Dopamine and the brain

study neuroscience

NeuroScience Online

Founded in the year 2013, NeuroScience Online offers a more Classroom-like lecture environment. It is affiliated with the McGovern Medical School – Houston, which aims to provide a comprehensive and in-depth explanation of the topics of neuroscience. 

You’ll find some additional resources here on their site. 

Plus points:

  • Classroom atmosphere from home
  • Longer videos explaining the concepts carefully

Sense of Mind

With a degree in cellular and molecular biology, Andrew (the creator) worked for a few years in a neurobiology lab before starting this channel. Thanks to his experience, he’s developed some awesome skills to help him communicate science in a friendly and approachable way.

As his bio suggests, his aim is to give you a clear and accurate understanding of concepts in neuroscience and psychology that have the power to transform your life for the better!

  • What better ways to learn about the wonders of the brain on the go? Whether you’re taking a walk or simply spending time away from your phone, these audios could be a great way to feed your mind. Check these out! 


Apple Podcasts

Phil’s guide to Psy.D

A little introduction to the creator – Dr. Phil was born in Accra, Ghana, and moved to the States with his family at a young age. He studied Neuroscience at Indiana University. And then obtained his master’s in Health Sciences at Boston University. 

Currently, he is a clinical psychology doctoral student pursuing a Psy.D degree – hence the YouTube name! 

Dr. Phil’s content is unique as it sheds light on the concepts of spirituality, emotion, and the relationship between a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Plus points:

  • Engaging Podcasts
  • Interviews with prominent professionals

You can find more information on his website:


Julia Ravey Science

A fun-filled channel created in 2019 by a female Neuroscientist with a PhD – Julia Ravey. The thumbnails on her channel instantly draw attention to her channel as they are pretty genZ-coded. It’s not just clickbait – Her videos are bursting with energy and keep us coming back for more. 

Her channel aims to share the latest weird and wonderful neuroscience and psychology research to try to figure out why we do some of the stuff we do and how we can get our brains on our side when trying to do hard things. 

How Mentoria Can Help

If neuroscience is your new interest or long-time passion, we’re here to provide you with all the help! Kick-start your journey with Mentoria and discover the right fit for you. Feel free to call us to speak to our career mentors and choose the right guidance plan that suits your needs.

Mentoria’s career guidance programme enables you to choose your perfect fit from 3 streams, 850+ courses, and 12,000+ careers, and discover what will bring out the best in you.