Mentoria Career Counselling – Mansukhbhai Kothari National School
Over a year ago, Mentoria set out with a mission – to help India’s youth find their dream careers and make our nation #CareerReady. Since then, we have partnered with over 35 schools, 15 corporates and helped thousands of individuals...
GATE Exam Details: What are the Benefits & Eligibility?
Over the years, the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) has assumed significance since its score is used to recruit candidates in prestigious Public Service Sectors in the country. A good GATE score assures you a good job with an...
What are the Indian Army Defence Exams in India?
Here is a list of Defence exams in India. Read Now
Low Marks In 12th? This Is Not The End
It is time you stop stressing over the results and make plans for the future!
Do Class 10 Marks Matter? Careers if You Scored Less
Have you scored less in your 10th grade? Find out what to do & career options in this article.
6 Interesting Jobs for Animal Lovers
Get to know the top interesting careers for animal lovers
8 Questions to Ask an Interviewer After Your Interview
Let’s take a look at the top eight questions you can ask during a job interview.