Top 10 AI Certifications For Beginners

Joanna Tresa

Last Updated: August 14, 2023
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In today’s rapidly evolving world, artificial intelligence (AI) is steering the course of technological advancements. Whether you dream of developing smart applications, analysing big data, or exploring the realms of machine learning, acquiring AI certifications can set you on a voyage towards success. But with a sea of options to choose from, how do you navigate the AI certification landscape? Fear not, for we have charted a course to help you discover the top 10 AI certifications tailored for beginners. Prepare to set sail on an exciting journey of knowledge, growth, and endless possibilities!

artificial intelligence

AI Foundation Certification – IBM Watson

Begin your AI journey with IBM Watson’s AI Foundation Certification. Dive into the world of AI and explore its concepts, applications, and impact. Gain a solid understanding of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. With this certification, you’ll build a strong foundation and unlock the potential of AI. Embark on a learning adventure with IBM Watson as your guide.

  • Course Structure: The AI Foundation Certification by IBM Watson covers the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. It includes modules on AI principles, problem-solving techniques, data analysis, and AI application development.
  • Fee: The fee for the AI Foundation Certification varies depending on the region and delivery format. It is recommended to visit the IBM Watson website for the most up-to-date pricing information.
  • Eligibility: The certification is open to individuals with a basic understanding of programming and mathematics. No prior AI knowledge is required.

Deep Learning Specialization – Deeplearning.AI

Take a deep dive into the world of deep learning with’s Deep Learning Specialization. Led by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this certification equips you with the skills needed to master neural networks, convolutional networks, and recurrent networks. Through hands-on projects and engaging assignments, you’ll gain practical experience and emerge as a proficient deep learning explorer.

  • Course Structure: The Deep Learning Specialization offered by Deeplearning.AI is a comprehensive program covering various aspects of deep learning. It includes courses on neural networks, deep learning frameworks, convolutional neural networks, sequence models, and structuring machine learning projects.
  • Fee: The fee for the Deep Learning Specialization is available on the Deeplearning.AI website and may vary depending on enrollment options.
  • Eligibility: The specialisation is suitable for individuals with a background in programming and some understanding of machine learning concepts.

Tensorflow Developer Certificate – Tensorflow 

Unleash the power of TensorFlow with the TensorFlow Developer Certificate. This certification program empowers you to become a skilled TensorFlow practitioner, capable of building and training neural networks for various applications. From image classification to natural language processing, TensorFlow offers a vast array of possibilities. Set sail on your TensorFlow adventure and discover the incredible potential of this powerful AI framework.

  • Course Structure: The Tensorflow Developer Certificate program focuses on teaching the skills required to develop machine learning models using the TensorFlow framework. It covers topics such as TensorFlow fundamentals, building neural networks, data pipelines, and model deployment.
  • Fee: The fee for the Tensorflow Developer Certificate program can be found on the official Tensorflow website.
  • Eligibility: The program is designed for individuals with intermediate programming skills and some knowledge of machine learning concepts.

artificial intelligence

Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate – Microsoft 

Embark on an Azure AI expedition with Microsoft’s Azure AI Engineer Associate certification. Journey through the world of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision within the Azure ecosystem. Develop expertise in deploying and managing AI solutions on Azure, and become an AI engineer ready to tackle real-world challenges. Chart a course to success with Microsoft Azure as your trusted companion.

  • Course Structure: The Azure AI Engineer Associate certification from Microsoft validates the skills needed to design and implement AI solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. It covers topics like natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, and Azure AI services.
  • Fee: The fee for Microsoft certifications can be found on the official Microsoft certification website.
  • Eligibility: The certification is suitable for individuals with intermediate-level knowledge of Azure and AI concepts.

Google AI Certification – Google 

Embark on a captivating AI expedition with Google’s AI Certification. Traverse the domains of machine learning and AI, gaining insights into Google Cloud AI technologies and honing your skills in building and training models. Uncover the limitless possibilities of AI with Google as your guide. Chart new territories, conquer challenges, and unlock the power of AI with this certification program.

  • Course Structure: Google offers various AI-related certifications, including the Google AI Certification. The specific course structure and topics covered may vary based on the chosen certification.
  • Fee: The fee for Google AI certifications can be found on the official Google Cloud certification website.
  • Eligibility: Eligibility requirements may vary depending on the specific certification chosen. It is recommended to review the prerequisites mentioned on the Google Cloud certification website.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer – Udacity 

Set sail on the AI seas with Udacity’s Artificial Intelligence Engineer Nanodegree program. Explore the depths of deep learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. Through interactive projects and personalised mentorship, you’ll acquire the skills and confidence to navigate the world of AI. Become an AI engineer equipped to tackle complex problems and drive innovation.

  • Course Structure: The Artificial Intelligence Engineer Nanodegree program offered by Udacity is a comprehensive program covering various AI topics. It includes courses on deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and AI deployment.
  • Fee: The fee for the Artificial Intelligence Engineer Nanodegree program can be found on the Udacity website.
  • Eligibility: The program is designed for individuals with intermediate-level programming skills and some background knowledge of linear algebra and statistics.

artificial intelligence

AI For Everyone – Coursera

Unlock the mysteries of AI with Coursera’s AI for Everyone certification. Dive into the fundamentals of AI technology, its potential impact, and ethical considerations. Discover how AI is transforming industries and gain a comprehensive understanding of AI’s language and concepts. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, manager, or simply curious, this certification will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the AI landscape and make informed decisions.

  • Course Structure: The AI For Everyone course on Coursera provides a non-technical introduction to AI concepts and their impact on society and businesses. It covers topics such as AI technologies, ethics, and implications.
  • Fee: The fee for the AI For Everyone course is available on the Coursera website.
  • Eligibility: The course is designed for individuals with no prior technical knowledge or programming skills. It is suitable for professionals from various backgrounds interested in understanding AI fundamentals.

Natural Language Processing Specialization – Deeplearning.AI

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of natural language processing (NLP) with’s Natural Language Processing Specialization. Led by industry experts, this certification takes you on a journey to understand how computers can process and understand human language. From sentiment analysis to machine translation, you’ll gain hands-on experience in building NLP models and unleash the power of language in AI applications.

  • Course Structure: The Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialisation offered by Deeplearning.AI focuses on teaching the foundations and applications of NLP. It covers topics such as text classification, sequence models, word embeddings, and attention mechanisms.
  • Fee: The fee for the NLP Specialization can be found on the Deeplearning.AI website.
  • Eligibility: The specialisation is suitable for individuals with a basic understanding of Python programming and machine learning concepts.

AI Ethics Certification – OpenAI

Navigate the ethical complexities of AI with OpenAI’s AI Ethics Certification. Explore the societal impact of AI, ethical considerations in AI development, and responsible AI practices. Through thought-provoking case studies and engaging discussions, you’ll gain insights into the ethical implications of AI technologies. Equip yourself with the knowledge to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a manner that aligns with ethical principles and societal well-being.

  • Course Structure: The AI Ethics Certification offered by OpenAI aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of ethical considerations in AI development and deployment. It covers topics such as bias, fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI systems.
  • Fee: The fee for the AI Ethics Certification can be found on the OpenAI website.
  • Eligibility: The certification is suitable for individuals involved in AI development, policy-making, or decision-making roles who want to deepen their understanding of AI ethics.

Applied AI With Deeplearning.AI – IBM 

Embark on a practical AI journey with IBM’s Applied AI with DeepLearning.AI certification. Discover the real-world applications of AI, from healthcare to finance, and learn how to implement AI solutions effectively. Through hands-on projects, you’ll gain experience in leveraging AI technologies to solve complex problems. With IBM’s expertise and guidance, you’ll become a proficient AI practitioner ready to make an impact in various industries.

  • Course Structure: The Applied AI with Deeplearning.AI program, in collaboration with IBM, offers hands-on training in applying AI techniques to real-world problems. It covers topics such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing.
  • Fee: The fee for the Applied AI program can be found on the Deeplearning.AI website.
  • Eligibility: The program is suitable for individuals with a basic understanding of Python programming and machine learning concepts.

Learn AI With Mentoria! 

With the top 10 AI certifications for beginners, you’re well-equipped to embark on an exciting AI adventure. Each certification offers a unique opportunity to explore AI’s vast potential, from deep learning to applied AI and ethical considerations. Choose the certification that resonates with your goals and set sail on a journey of growth, innovation, and limitless possibilities. Bon voyage, and may your AI knowledge chart a course towards a future of AI excellence!

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