Roaming Careers: 6 Jobs For Travel Nomads


Last Updated: July 20, 2023
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Hey there, travel nomad! Are you tired of the traditional 9 to 5 grind and looking for a more adventurous career path? Good news! With the rise of remote work and digital nomads, there are now more job opportunities than ever for those who want to explore the world while making a living. 

From teaching English abroad to becoming a freelance writer, there are plenty of jobs that allow you to travel and work simultaneously. So, pack your bags and get ready for an exciting journey as we explore the top 6 jobs for travel nomads.

travel nomads

Freelance Writer/Blogger

Hey there, travel nomad! Are you a wordsmith who loves to explore new places and cultures? Why not combine your passions and become a freelance writer or blogger? From travel guides to personal stories, the possibilities are endless. You can share your experiences and inspire others while getting paid to do what you love. It’s like being the protagonist of your own adventure novel, with the added bonus of being able to pay your bills! Who knows, your blog could even become the next “Eat, Pray, Love” or “Into the Wild“!

English Teacher

Are you a native English speaker looking for a job that allows you to explore new cultures and travel the world? Well, look no further! Teaching English as a foreign language can be a perfect fit for you. From teaching children in Thailand to adults in Japan, you can find opportunities to share your language and culture with others while immersing yourself in new experiences. It’s like being an international spy, but instead of a licence to kill, you have a licence to teach! So pack your bags and grab your grammar book, the world is waiting for you!

Digital Nomad

We’re hoping you are a fan of the hit TV series “Nomadland“! Well, if you’ve been inspired by Fern’s journey and want to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle, then this section is for you! As a digital nomad, you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a reliable internet connection. From freelance writing to graphic design, there are countless opportunities to earn a living while travelling. So why not pack your bags, grab your laptop, and join the growing community of digital nomads around the world? The world is your office!

travel nomads

Tour Guide

If you’re a lover of adventure and discovering new places, becoming a tour guide could be the perfect job for you! Imagine getting paid to explore and share your knowledge about new cities, cultures and hidden gems. From leading walking tours to adventure excursions, there are endless possibilities for you to showcase your passion for travel and create memorable experiences for others. Think of yourself as a real-life travel influencer! Just don’t forget to brush up on your history and storytelling skills to keep your guests engaged.

Cruise Ship Employee

Ahoy there! Ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime? Working on a cruise ship is a dream come true for many travel nomads. You get to sail across the seas, explore new destinations, and meet fascinating people from all over the world. Whether you’re a bartender, entertainer, or fitness instructor, there’s a job for everyone on board. So, why not trade in your office cubicle for a life on the ocean waves? Grab your sailor hat, and let’s set sail for a career like no other!

Farm Work

Looking for a job that allows you to travel while immersing yourself in local culture? Consider farm work! Spend your days working with animals, harvesting crops, and experiencing rural life firsthand. From picking grapes in Tuscany to herding sheep in New Zealand, the possibilities are endless. Who knows, you might even discover a newfound appreciation for sustainable living and farm-to-table cuisine. Channel your inner Jack and Rose and embrace the simple life on the farm – it just might be the adventure of a lifetime.

travel nomads

Get Career Ready With Mentoria! 

You now have an array of job opportunities to choose from that cater to your passion for travel and adventure. Whether it’s teaching English in a foreign country, working remotely as a digital marketer, or taking on an eco-tourism role, the world is your oyster. Remember, the key to success is finding a job that aligns with your skills and interests. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and set off on your next adventure while earning a living. Who knows where the road will take you next?

We’re here to provide you with all the help! Kick-start your journey with Mentoria and discover the right fit for you. Feel free to call us to speak to our career mentors and choose the right guidance plan that suits your needs.

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