Want To Crack NIFT? Take A Note of This!


Last Updated: March 24, 2023
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Whether you’re a fashion enthusiast, a design aficionado or simply looking to pursue a career in the thriving fashion industry, NIFT is the gateway to your dreams. From the iconic little black dress to the timeless denim jacket, fashion is an ever-evolving canvas of self-expression.

As the great Coco Chanel once said, “Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” From the streets of Paris to the catwalks of New York, fashion has changed for the better. But cracking NIFT is no mean feat. It requires a combination of creativity, skill, and strategic planning. That’s why we’ve designed this comprehensive guide to help you ace the NIFT entrance exam with ease.

From understanding the exam pattern and syllabus to tips and tricks for acing the aptitude test, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to embark on a journey that will set you on the path to success. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aspirant, we promise you a fun, engaging and interactive learning experience that will leave you inspired and motivated (only if you keep reading). So let’s get started!


Here’s How You Can Crack NIFT!

1. Be Familiar with the Exam Pattern

The first step to doing well in your NIFT exam is to understand the exam pattern. Make sure you learn about the various sections, their weightage and the maximum marks each section can fetch.

The NIFT exam is divided into two parts – the written exam and the studio test. 

  • The written exam consists of four sections – Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and General Awareness.
  • The studio test is divided into two sections – The creative Ability Test and the Situation Test.

Each section has a different weightage and the maximum marks you can score in each section is also different. You must understand the exam pattern and the marking scheme before you start preparing for the exam.

2. Devote Your Morning to Prep

One way to boost your productivity is to get started on your work earlier in the day. This may seem like a simple tip, but it can make a big difference in how much you accomplish each day. Make sure you start preparing for the exam at least 7 to 8 months before the exam.

If you’re used to starting your workday at 9 am, try setting your alarm for 8 am instead and see how it goes. You may find that you’re able to get a lot more done in the morning when you have an extra hour to work. And if you’re not a morning person, don’t worry – you can always adjust your new wake-up time to suit your needs.

So give it a try and see how getting started on your work earlier in the day can help you boost your productivity!

3. Develop Your Artistic Abilities

Sketching is a requirement for knowledge in the fashion industry. Your original and inventive thought is worthless if you are unable to put it on paper. Enrol in a sketching training programme and practise sketching every day to overcome the problem of bad sketching.

Carrying a notebook with you at all times is a good habit to get better at drawing because you never know when an inspiring idea will cross your thoughts. Having a notebook with you would motivate you to work out right away. So get sketchin’!

4. Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers

Solving previous years’ question papers will not only help you get familiar with the exam pattern but also give an idea about the different types of questions that come in the exam. It will also help you brush up on your knowledge and improve your problem-solving skills. Solving previous year’s NIFT Question Papers will help you get an idea about the difficulty level and the type of questions asked in the exam. Also, it is the best way to comprehend the exam pattern. Like they say, Practice makes a man perfect!

5. Get Advice from Experts

Even if you followed the advice on how to prepare for the NIFT entrance exam 2023, you may still have questions concerning the syllabus, exam format, or exam day. It would be advantageous to seek advice from a mentor in such a situation. The mentor will not only clear up your misunderstanding but also boost your exam-taking confidence and reduce your tension. Besides just the exam point-of-view, it’s always good to be under the guidance of a mentor when you start out in your career.

NIFT Design

Crack NIFT With Mentoria’s Help!

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